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Creative Photography Evening Courses

Group Exhibition Kaleidoscope Gallery, Sevenoaks 22nd - 26th October 2024

The next group show will be at the Kaleidoscope Gallery in Sevenoaks from the 22nd  - 26th October.

Every member of the f32 Creative Group will be encouraged to show their work

Join the group now and we will help you to prepare your work for the show.

Take your photography to the next level with our  Creative Photography Course. Designed for photographers who have a grasp of the basics, this course offers you the tools to go beyond basic techniques and start creating compelling photographic narratives.

Under my guidance, you'll learn how to move from shooting individual images to developing a cohesive body of work. The focus is on learning more advanced techniques and applying them to real-world photography projects that reflect your personal style and vision.

This course is practical, interactive, and highly engaging. It's not just about learning; it's about doing, experimenting, and improving. I'm there every step of the way, offering insights, critique, and professional guidance.

So, if you're ready to take your photography to the next level, expand your creative boundaries, and stand out from the crowd, this Creative Photography Course is for you. 

My Creative Photography Classes run throughout the year so you can join at any time and have the benefit of the archive of previous classes.

Here Come the Girls - British White Cattle, Chevening near Sevenoaks, Kent

Here Come the Girls - British White Cattle, Chevening near Sevenoaks, Kent

f32 Creative Photography Benefits

When you join the f32 Creative Community, you will be joining an established, friendly and supportive group of creative photographers dedicated to working together to produce amazing images and take their photography to the next level. The Creative Photography Course works on a monthly subscription basis, the Platinum and Gold plans. Both plans are identical, except that the Gold Plan doesn't include the face-to-face elements of the Platinum Plan. This is designed for you if your location means that coming to workshops in Kent isn't possible


Creative Community activities revolve around the weekly online evening sessions and the monthly face-to-face workshops and gallery trips.

Weekly Online Classes

Watching an Online Session

You have the choice of a Monday or Wednesday evening class. Content of both classes is the same and is recorded, so you can catch up if you miss a week.


Each week's class looks at a different aspect of photography and any techniques that may be useful when taking this type of photography.

Every week I set an optional homework challenge related to the subject that we have studied during the class. During the following week's class, we spend time sharing and discussing our images and exploring alternative compositions and edits.

Trips and Workshops

Each month there is a workshop or a gallery trip. Meeting online is great for teaching, but nothing beats meeting and taking photographs together or visiting galleries to learn from the work of established and famous photographers. These events are included in the monthly subscription (excluding travel costs and entry fees to venues)

These workshops are not included in the Gold Plan

Photo Gallery with Couple

Workshop Discounts

Studio Photography Workshop

As well as the monthly events included in the subscription, during the year I run a series of chargeable workshops Platinum & Gold members receive a discount of 50% on the price of workshops.

Showing Your Work

Photography Exhibition Sevenoaks

The best images taken by Platinum and Gold plan  members will be displayed on the f32 online public gallery 

I encourage all group members to work on their own individual long-term projects. The subject should be something that you have a particular long-term interest in, that will inspire you to produce a body of work, rather than single images.

We try to arrange at least one public exhibition of our work every year, depending upon gallery availability.

I also encourage the production of individual and group books of your work

How Your Subscription Works

My creative courses don't work on a traditional fixed-term basis, rather they are ongoing courses that are accessed by a monthly subscription. Platinum Plan, £40 per month, if you want to attend the face-to-face meetings and Gold Plan (£35 per month) if you don't. If you sign up for the Gold Plan you can attend the face-to-face events at a cost of £15 per event.


You can join the Creative Course at any time by starting a subscription. Select the Platinum or Gold Plan as part of the booking process. This will give you access to either the Monday or Wednesday evening classes and access to the online materials and videos from when the courses started. Subscriptions are collected monthly via your credit/debit card account. 


When you join the course I offer a free 121 Zoom call to review where you are on your photography journey and to familiarise you with the course and how you will fit into this friendly and supportive community.


If you need to cancel your subscription you can do this at any time using the my subscription page.

Book Your Place on the Creative Photography Course

When completing the booking form you will need to select a start date by clicking on a date marked with a black dot, which shows availability. Once you have selected a start date your subscription will continue until cancelled.

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